

Monday 22 April 2013

Powerpoint Presentation

For a part of my studies into creating my own character I had to create a powerpoint presentation to present to my employers. Whilst I was creating my presentation I began to do some research on different characters to get a feel of how they are developed and what makes them appealable characters, this would help with my character's attitude and apperence. For the examples in my presentation I choose:

 Crash Bandicoot because even though he can't talk fully he is still a likeable character because of the way he reacts to dangerous situations by just treating it like it was an every day job.

Duke Nukem was the second character I choose because of his comedic attitude but he also uses immature humour which many people says makes him feel like an 80's cop which many people like due to how childish the lines are but it still makes the character look cooler then they already are.

Grayson from Bulletstorm was my last character I choose because his apperence fitted what I was going for in my character but with a mix of Crash Bandicoot. Grayson's apperence was one of his features that many people liked about him but his attitdue was the main reason why he was so likeable.

After choosing the three characters that inspired my character's creation and moved on to my character himself. I started by developing a quick bio for the character, I talked about the age, gender, job description and so on and also developed a quick back story to how the game beings.

Once I finished talking about the main character and his motivation, I then moved onto the villain who I also made a quick bio but since I didn't draw any concept art for the villain I decided to grab a picture from Google images as a reference in the powerpoint presentation to show what the idea of the villain and what I believed him to look like.

After I finished creating my powerpoint presentation I was ready to do the presentation. Through my presentation I talked about in depth all the back-story, the reasons why I choose the design for the character and even the main story of the game that he will be appearing in. At the end of the presentation I thought I did good but I could have fixed up a few parts in the powerpoint presentation such as the villain's bio and what sounds that will be in the game.

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