

Monday 18 February 2013

History of Shiny Money

Shiny Money was an independent games company that was formed in 1990 and has created a number of games such as Super Dingo Dudes, Ultimate Plane Fight, and King of the Hill: The Video Game and Call of the Wild. They used to develop for mostly every platform that was available at the time but have recently decreased the amount of platforms to just 4 platforms; these platforms are Xbox 720, PS4, Wii U and PC. Out of many of their successes the game Super Dingo Dudes was the most popular due to the cartoony characters and backgrounds, also the gameplay of the game was similar to Super Mario Bros. Shiny Money's reveal companies were mainly Activision and EA because of their franchise, Battlefield and Call of Duty, this is why they have recently been changing their classic games into FPS (first person shooter) games.
After the release of Super Dingo Dudes on 14th, January 1997 for PC and N64 they decided to create a sequel to the game called Super Dingo Dudes 2 which was yet again another success for the company, however, the games success didn’t last for long because during the release of SDD2 (Super Dingo Dudes 2) they decided to change from the basic cartoony design to a more gritty and dark version of the game, this was because of the popularity of the game Conker’s Bad Fur Day which was once a cartoony game for kids but turned into a more adult game.
Dingo Dudes: Reloaded was released in 2003 to mixed to negative reviews, most of the negative views talked about the gameplay and the drastic change in style, however, the game was praised for its graphics for its time since it was only available on the PS2 which was a weak system for its time. After the release of Dingo Dudes: Reloaded the company had lost over $4.5 million due to the long development cycle of the game but they would later recover the money from the reboot Super Dingo Dudes.
2008 and Shiny Money company is ready to release their lastest game called Dingo Dudes 2: Back and Damgerous which upon released recieved a wide amount of praise and most of the reviews read positive about the game. The game earned the company over $100 million in sales which then lead to Shiny Money's recovery. During the year, sales of the new Dingo Dudes started to drop but the game was still considered the most played on the Xbox 360 and PC, even though the game was released on PS3 and PSP.
June, 14th 2010, Shiny Money announced that they would be creating a whole new IP for the PC and PS3 only, the game was called 'Call of The Wild: Future is Deadly' which was supposed to be a compatetor of Call of Duty. The game would be a first person shooter much like the reboot Dingo Brothers series was and would be set in the destoryed future of Tokyo. Once the game was released on November 9th, 2010 it was considered the worst game that Shiny Money had ever made, this was due to lack of development on the development teams side.
Call of the Wild: Future is Deadly had several problems such as lack of an online multiplayer feature, several bugs and glitches, story was lack luster which only lasted for 6 hours and the gameplay became repeative after the first mission. The game recieved terrible reviews, it was so bad that Shiny Money had no choose but to remove each copy off the selves of every game store around the world and they had lost $44 million which is worse than the first Dingo Brothers reboot.

During the time period, Shiny Money was almost went bankrupt but they soon recovered slowly with their lastest game which was only avalible on iPad, Android Devices and iPhone which was called Super Dingo Dudes Return which was a remake of the original Super Dingo Dudes. The game faired better than Call of The Wild: Future is Deadly because it recieved a 79% score rating on most app review sites and was considered Shiny Money's comeback as the game massed over $20 million in sales.
2012, Shiny Money decided to create a whole new team called 'Ghost Bear Studios' which handled new IPs and they are in development of a new game which is still Unknown, but the platforms the game is being released on have only half way been announced. One of the consoles the game will be released for Wii U, other platforms such as Android devices and PC.

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